NW Indiana & Chicago Commercial Property Demographics

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Population Change
Radius: 1 Mile Radius: 3 Mile Radius: 5 Mile
2000 Census 3,311 15,963 61,540
2010 Census (% Change) 4,548 (37%) 23,856 (49%) 75,759 (23%)
2014 Estimate (%Change) 4,707 (3.5%) 24,952 (5%) 77,282 (2%)
2019 Projection (%Change) 4,899 (4%) 26,246 (5%) 79,226 (3%)
Household Change
2000 Census 1,121 5,368 21,716
2010 Census (% Change) 1,591 (42%) 8,197 (53%) 27,627 (27%)
2014 Estimate (%Change) 1,628 (2%) 8,422 (3%) 27,976 (1%)
2019 Projection (%Change) 1,678 (3%) 8,764 (4%) 28,554 (2%)
Population by Race (2014)
Total 4,707 24,952 77,282
· White Alone (%) 4,341 (92%) 23,164 (93%) 68,795 (89%)
· Black Alone (%) 70 (1%) 338 (1%) 3,221 (4%)
· American Indian Alone(%) 5 (0%) 32 (0%) 129 (0%)
· Asian or Pacific Islander Alone (%) 74 (1%) 323 (1%) 1,415 (1%)
· Some Other Race Alone(%) 155 (3%) 766 (3%) 2,421 (3%)
· Two of More Races(%) 62 (1%) 328 (1%) 1,301 (2%)
Hispanic Origin (%) 467 (10%) 2,348 (10%) 7,442 (10%)
Population Age 25+ by Educational Attainment (2014)
 Less than 9th grade (%) 83(3%) 412 (2.5%) 1,595(3%)
 Some High School, no diploma (%) 124 (4%) 601 (4%) 2,196 (4%)
 High School Graduate (or GED) (%) 814 (26%) 4,724 (29%) 16,722 (32%)
 Some College, no degree (%) 650 (21%) 3,180 (19%) 10,974 (21%)
 Associate Degree (%) 366 (12%) 2,002 (12%) 5,281 (10%)
 Bachelor’s Degree (%) 702(23%) 3,774 (23%) 10,361 (20%)
 Professional School Degree (%) 247 (8%) 1,431 (9%) 3,868 (7%)
 Doctorate Degree (%) 15 (0.5%) 79 (0.5%) 301 (0.6%)
Average Household Income
 2000 $73,060 $72,277 $70,953
 2014 Estimate $99,505 $99,346 $85,518
 2019 Projection $112,288 $111,435 $93,731


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